Monday, 31 October 2016

Perangsang Selangor Buys Majority Stake In Matured, Market Leader With Stable Revenue Generating Capabilities

KUALA LUMPUR, 31 OCTOBER 2016 – Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“Perangsang Selangor” or the “Company”) today received its shareholders’ approval for the proposed acquisition of an approximately 71.44% stake in Century Bond Bhd (“Century Bond”), by Perangsang Packaging Sdn. Bhd. (“PPSB”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company for a total consideration of RM 150.03 million. Century Bond is principally involved in the manufacturing of cement bags and holds a 60% market share in Malaysia as well as having a presence in Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand.

At an Extraordinary General Meeting (“EGM”) which was held today, the proposed acquisition, as well as a Mandatory General Offer (“MGO”) for all the remaining Century Bond shares not already owned by PPSB following the completion of the acquisition in addition to a proposal for the diversification of the existing principal activities of the Perangsang Selangor Group to include manufacturing businesses, were met with shareholder approval.

16 Oct31 Perangsang Selangor EGM

Ahmad Fariz Hassan, Chief Executive Officer of Perangsang Selangor

Speaking at the EGM, Chief Executive Officer of Perangsang Selangor, Ahmad Fariz Hassan (“Fariz”) shared, “Backed by the mandate from our shareholders, we are excited to complete our 3rd acquisition of the year, as Century Bond meets all the desired investment criteria we have identified as part of our business strategy.”

“While, Century Bond has a long track record with its customers and has established itself as a market leader in Malaysia, the business has further potential to be unlocked given that capital expenditure on infrastructure in the ASEAN region, especially in Thailand and Indonesia is expected to grow exponentially over the next decade. We believe that Century Bond is ideally positioned to capitalize on these opportunities, while allowing Perangsang Selangor to diversify our revenue generation streams, thus reducing our dependency on domestic market performance”.

Fariz further added “Based on the positive outlook that we have on this investment, we are optimistic that Century Bond will be able to contribute more than 25% to the total net profits of the Perangsang Selangor Group in the coming financial years”.



Incorporated in August 1975, Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“Perangsang Selangor” or the “Company”) is a public limited liability company and is currently listed on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad. The Company has a varied investment portfolio with assets involved in Infrastructure & Utilities, Oil & Gas, Telecommunications as well as Franchise Licensing. Perangsang Selangor is committed towards making significant contributions to human capital, intellectual, and sustainable developments, whilst strengthening its core businesses to optimise returns for its shareholders.

Issued by: Esente Communications (M) Sdn Bhd on behalf of Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad

Date: 31 October 2016

For more information, please contact:

Tan Hoay Ming
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