In today’s world, where environmental stewardship is paramount, KPS Berhad is committed to leading the charge in combating climate change and promoting sustainable practices.

Our Commitments
Environmental Commitment 1:
Reducing carbon emissions intensity by 45% by 2030 and ultimately pursuing carbon neutrality by 2050
Stationary + mobile fuel consumption
15,433.42 mWh
2022: 10,593.87 mWh 2021: 1,247.01 mWh55,560,315.16 Mj
2022: 38,137,924.62 Mj 2021: 4,489,242.50 Mj -
Purchased Electricity
39,372.59 mWh
2022: 29,125.17 mWh 2021: 28,086.80 mWh141,741,313.20 Mj
2022: 104,850,626.40 Mj 2021: 101,112,462.00 Mj
Percentage of solar energy from total group energy
Amount of tCO2e offset through solar energy
Solar derived electricity generated
1,121.41 mWh
2022: NA 2021: NA4,037,070.78 Mj
2022: NA 2021: NA -
Total energy consumed
55,927.41 mWh
2022: 39,719.04 mWh 2021: 29,333.81 mWh201,338,699.14 Mj
2022: 142,988,551.02 Mj 2021: 105,601,704.50 Mj
Intensity (mWh/revenue)
2022: 0.00003 2021: 0.00002 -
Energy intensity (Mj/revenue)
2022: 0.105 2021: 0.080
Scope 1
Scope 2
Scope 3
Not Applicable
2022: Not Applicable
2021: Not Applicable1,932.57
2022: 2,332.66
2021: 2021: 2,389.69171.08
2022: 86.19
2021: NA305.06
2022: 133.14
2021: 257.8713,701.78
2022: 8,795.59
2021: 6,826.22199.71
2022: NA
2021: NA73.93
2022: 73.10
2021: 77.417,903.75
2022: 7,773.36
2021: 7,905.65454.13
2022: NA
2021: NA3,249.91
2022: 2,281.42
2021: NA6,072.83
2022: 3,797.05
2021: 4,767.52185.26
2022: NA
2021: NA17.34
2022: 20.05
2021: NA28.61
2022: 18.97
2021: 18.6325.75
2022: NA
2021: NA24.50
2022: NA
2021: NA488.95
2022: NA
2021: NA45.15
2022: NA
2021: NAtotal by scope (tonnes CO2e)
2022: 2,507.72
2021: 335.2830,128.47
2022: 22,717.64
2021: 21,907.711,081.09
2022: 86.19
2021: NA
NA: Not AvailableNote: Figures stated may not add up due to rounding of decimals
Source of emissions factors:
Scope 1: IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories.
Scope 2: Malaysia: Grid Emission Factor (GEF) in Malaysia, 2017-2021, by Malaysia Energy Information Hub.
Indonesia: Faktor Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca (GRK) Sistem Interkoneksi Ketenagalistrikan by Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Direktorat Jenderal Ketenagalistrikan.
Scope 3: Conversion factors 2023: condensed set (for most users) - updated 28 June 2023 by Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, United Kingdom.
Environmental Commitment 2:
Continuously implementing environmentally responsible manufacturing practices
Total waste generated (tonnes)
2022: 1,757.19 2021: 856.13 -
Percentage of hazardous wastes generated
2022: 5.38 2021: 6.48
Percentage of non-hazardous waste or non-scheduled waste generated
2022: 94.62 2021: 94.62 -
Percentage of recycled waste
2022: 90.18 2021: 90.81
Total water consumption (liter)
2022: 140,693,000 2021: 142,681,000